In this paper, I study the ways in which Johanna Ortiz and Pepa Pombo, two important Colombian designers that are widely known both in the country and abroad, selling their products through high-end international fashion retailers, use traditional elements of the national identity to create a new image of Colombia, as the basis of their creations for export. I argue that, in de-constructing the stereotypes that associate these elements with the violent and corrupt ideas of armed conflict and drug cartels, and reinterpreting them in their own design aesthetic, they re-construct the Colombian nation and re-create the national identity under a positive light.
Autora | Laura Beltran-Rubio | |
Año | 2017 | |
Tipo | Artículo Académico | |
País | Colombia | |
Editorial | Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación | |
Descarga | URL | |
e-ISSN | 1668-0227 | |
APA | Rubio, L. B. (2017). Colombia For Export: Johanna Ortiz, Pepa Pombo and the re-creation of the cultural identity for a global fashion market. Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos, (64), 239-253. |